
Create a Campaign

Creating your campaign is KEY to building success for your goals. We do not offer a price list of options, rather, we work with our advertisers to collate and present the best fit for budget and goals. There are 3 designed campaigns that we recommend to anyone looking for effective marketing in this current competitive market. In our experience, these inclusions can most effectively bring greater results for your brand, and range from a small effective step into the market, or a deep dive to excelling in an impactful way. We also welcome further discussions to customize the campaigns to meet budgets, or provide an additional options better suited for your short, or long term goals.


Campaign Higher - READALOT Magazine Australia

High Impact, Short-Term

  • Designed to be most affordable and budget friendly. 
  • Whilst including benefits of exposure from print and digital audiences, this campaign runs for a shorter 3-month period, with a smaller budget. Your print advertisement will run in conjunction with social media and podcast inclusions to broaden exposure. 
  • Example includes single edition across multiple platforms.
Campaign Highest

High Impact, Mid-Term

  • Designed to be more affordable to reasonable budgets and aimed at gaining good brand awareness. 
  • Includes showcasing of books, products and profiles in both print and digital platforms over a shorter period of time, but with highly affective inclusions to increase exposure and desired marketing goals. You will campaign over a six-month period, including two editions of the print or digital magazine, whilst incorporating social media advertising and other extended promotional options to provide enhanced exposure for your brand and product.
  • Includes 2 editions, across multiple platforms. 
Campaign High - READALOT Magazine Australia

High Impact, Long Term

  • Designed for the widest potential exposure with a higher budget for highest gain on investment potential. 
  • Includes extended opportunities to showcase your book, product or profile  in both print and digital platforms, in order to maximize returns over a  longer period of time. Although a higher budget, this campaign serves as  the most valuable of the considerations as it extends performance over a  full year of marketing and allows for many more people to find your book. 
  • Example includes 4 or more issues, available on all platforms, with social media and physical print marketing.


All of these campaigns are set out as a minimum of what you need to consider for a campaign goal to be effective. To do anything shorter, or cheaper would see minimal results, separate from your original desired outcome.
The READALOT team have years of experience, and knowledge on how best market profiles and products, and the success of these campaigns shows this is the primary way a book promotion campaign can work to be effective. Remember, we are not providing you with advertising along, but we are presenting you with greatest opportunities to achieve your personal, promotional and profile success.

Talk with us today to help you set out a planned, well-timed and budgeted campaign for your successful marketing. We want to have you presented in our READALOT Magazine, to see the widest audience in the best possible way. Your contribution to supporting READALOT not only sees your own success, but also, helps the industry of bookselling and publishing, and allows new Australian talents to rise in the ranks of authorship.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing who we are and what we are able to offer you. Only with READALOT Magazine will you uncover a wider readership and higher returns through the design of your campaign for greater ongoing access to print and digital marketing and this will be invaluable in comparison to anything else you undertake.

Interested in More Information or a custom campaign?

Contact us for more information


Readalot Camp Opt Auth Prof Interview - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt Book Review - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt DP Spread - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt EDM Book Promo - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt Feat Book Prev - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt FP Ad - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt FP Advertorial - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt HP Ad - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt IAS - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt SM Book Promo - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt SM MP4 Promo - READALOT Magazine Australia
Readalot Camp Opt Web Ad - READALOT Magazine Australia


We have many options of digital and print to talk to you about.
If you want to find out more …

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